is a website dedicated to dialogue between Catholics and Protestants. Below are some of my contributions to that dialogue.
How John Calvin Made Me a Catholic
Sola Scriptura vs. the Magisterium: What did Jesus Teach?
On the Usefulness of Tradition
A Particularly Clear Statement on Salvation
Sola Scriptura and the Gay Marriage Debate
Archbishop Minnerath on Rome, the Papacy, and the East
Relics, Saints, and the Assumption of Mary
How Not to Defend the Reformation
Have You Been Born Again? Catholic Reflections on a Protestant Doctrine
Hi Dr. Anders, I am an avid listener and viewer of your show. I am constantly amazed with the depth of your answers to some of the most intricate questions.
Today I heard a caller that seemed outraged for not being able to receive communion. He questioned why and argued that there is no substantial scientific proof of Jesus being in the Eucharist.
Even though I was marveled with your answer and explanation, I still wanted to point out that, occasionally, if not often, we hear about reports where the Eucharist manifested signs of flesh material to the point of bleeding. The recent event in Poland, announced by Bishop Zbigniew Kiernikowski of Legnica, is a remarkable example. It is not however a single occurrence by any means.
Keep up the great work. I’m a big fan.
I have heard your answer on this a couple of times, but I just need some confirmation that I am understanding this correctly. When it comes to birth control, I know that the church is against it when it is used for the primary goal of preventing pregnancy. I know that you always use the comment of a person with ovarian cancer needing a hysterectomy in order to save her life, has a side effect of infertility. Just so I am clear with a different example, I will ask you this.
If a girl is having female issues and one of the ways to correct these issues is to be put on the birth control pill, is this okay with the church? The reason for the pill is not to prevent pregnancy, but to correct problems that she is currently having with a side effect of infertility. This is a different example and one that is far more common than one with cancer. Can you please tell me if this fits the rules on birth control.
And by-the-way, I really enjoy listening to your show on my drive home.
2 questions dr. dave; my boy doesn’t want to babtize their baby due in april. what can I tell him? I realize the saints weren’t babtized, but that was then.
also, where did the term,’mary, the whore of bablon’ come from?
high. 2 quick questions dr. dave… son just informed me him & his lovely wife are not going to baptize their baby due in april. joining a church scares them seeing medias 1 side doesn’t help. what can I tell them to change their thought pattern.
also, I’ve heard the term’ mary, the whore of bablon’. where did that come from?
Dr. Anders,
My son goes to a Jesuit high school and in his Theology class was told that the Church didn’t know if Adam and Eve were real. As a matter of fact, he first told me that they were not. I was’t there so I’m uncertain of the exact statement and my son won’t discuss it.
I understand the faithful don’t necessarily have to believe that the world and all that is in it was created in seven days but we are bound to believe that God created all things and what He created was good.
However, exactly what does the Church teach about Adam and Eve and original sin. And if I decide to entertain the idea that God created the world other than what Scripture says in Genesis, then where did original sin come from?
Thanks you,
In a recent program you mentioned a book (2 actually) explaining how Morman and Christian views of
Jesus Christ differ. I was driving and would certainly remember the titles …..well THAT didn’t happen and I can’t seem to recall them now. You mentioned a very recent one with a very simple title….but it didn’t “stick”. Any chance of a do over?
Hey Dr. Anders,
I came across this article and wondered how one might respond to this and the questions the author poses to us Christians?
I realized I forgot to post the URL.
I guess this will also be up for everyone else to see, that’s great.
I think this will answer your question about the Church not wanting them to be happy and Dr Anders saying it’s manifestly obvious they don’t choose to be gay, if I understood him correctly. I think family dynamics and maybe a desire for sexual pleasure one can’t see being granted by one of the opposite sex can play a big part in ine thinking he/she is attracted to those of the same sex. I think it’s a big misfire That should not be treated as a valid attraction. This woman in the article seems to be proof, as well as others that had successful conversion therapy. At least, it should not be considered a real attraction for all who find that attraction to those of the same sex.
Dear Dr. Anders, thank you for your wonderful and loving answers (on “Called to Communion” on EWTN) to two questions that have troubled me – the priest scandal and whether gay people are loved by the church.
Your answers made both my heart and faith soar. It all begins and ends with love.
Thank you, thank you, thank you – and bless you. Ning
Dave, first I must say that I enjoy your program and agree with much of what you say, I am writing this in response to something that you said last week. You said that Jesus raised himself from the dead, that floored me, I had to think about it and nowhere in the scripture or any other religions or even the catholic church is there a valid argument to back this statement up. on the contrary there are many passages that state the God raided him from the dead, Stephen gave a homily on this and Romans 10;9 states it just to name a few . At any rate please do more thorough research on this as it is the basis for salvation. Also, it is o.k to say that you are not sure occasionally, God bless, Thomas Lehr
Dear Dr.Anders:
I called you over a month ago, asking ‘why God allows suffering”, and why it seems to me ‘insufficient’ to say ‘so that greater good may come of it”. This was on the air, EWTN radio. You recommended to me that I read a wonderful woman Catholic theologian who has done a lot of work in this area. I have completely forgotten you she is. Would you kindly tell me here name again, so that I may look her up and by a few of her books.
Very gratefully in Christ,
Paul Wood, Toronto
Hi Dr. Anders,
Recently, I’ve been doing some reading on the Protestant Reformation for a young adult group at our parish, and wanted to know since your expertise is in this area, if you know of a good book that deals with John Calvin and Martin Luther’s theology from a catholic perspective? I’ve seen many written from protestant authors but I feel that they may seem to biased. Do you have any suggesttions?
Thanks and God Bless!
why do Catholics have 7extra books in the bible?
I’m not Dr Anders, but I can say there is a book called “Why are Catholic Bibles Bigger?”. Ultimately, the 7 books were in Bibles since The Church made the Bible. The earliest Protestant books were originally moved to the back as “apocrypha” with none of the divine authority the bishops who compiled it had. They also added “alone” after “faith” in Romans to make it say “faith alone”. Of course, Jesus said those not taking care of the least of his brothers will go to Hell. The Book of James said “Faith without works is dead”.
John Martignoni has a lot of stuff about this On his site called We know all about trusting a church to tell you the essentials of what the Bible says, but, since it isn’t the original vision of the Protestants to do so, I think you might need to read it with new eyes.
Hi David! I have a question for you but was unsure how to reach you outside of the radio program or posting directly here. My question is – Do you consider Allah whom the Muslims worship to be synonymous with God as He has revealed Himself to us through Creation and His Word?
My own understanding is this… The origins of the Arab people can be traced to Ishmael the son of Abraham. Mizrah Jews and Arabic Christians (among other Christians throughout the world) use Allah as the name of God, as do Muslims.
Clearly, Muslims hold doctrinal and theological views which are inconsistent with Scripture, divine revelation, and historical truth, yet, given their historical origins, it would seem likely they are still referring to the same God Ishamel and his father knew.
A good many of the founding fathers of this nation were Deists, which itself was rooted in a very wrong understanding of God. We don’t question the object of their faith but their interpretation and understanding of that person. This is similar in terms of having a wrong understanding and interpretation of God, but the origin would seemingly be the same.
Please note I am not in any way espousing any form of universalism, the rightness of their faith and practice, or that they are saved as they deny the person and work of Christ, and have a grossly perverted idea of God, the Word, and the Church. I am just curious to hear/see your perspective.
Thank you for your servants heart and your kind and gentle spirit. May God continue to work in and through you and bless you abundantly.
Are you available for speaking engagements?
Yes, email me.
Dear Dr. Anders,
I happened upon your radio program today, May 26, 2015. I enjoyed how you graciously answered each person’s question(s). I learned more about my faith today. Thank you! I hope to be able to tune in to your program often.
I do have a comment about St. Peter. I do not think that it was Peter who Paul rebuked in his letter to the Galatians. It just never made sense to me because of Peter’s known personality traits.
In Acts 10:44-48 Peter boldly speaks to the Jews about accepting the Gentiles into fellowship with them. He does not cower before them. In Acts 11:1-18, Peter boldly silenced the Jews who complained that Peter went into the homes of Gentiles and ate with Gentiles. I cannot reconcile his bold actions in Acts with his (supposedly) cowardly action in Galatians 2.
According to Eusebuis’ history, there was another man named Cephas, one of the 70 disciples, and this was the man who was rebuked by Paul. Also, Bl. Anne Catherine Emmerich, who had visions of past events in the history of God’s people, both OT and NT, said that she saw that it was Cephas, a disciple, and not Peter the apostle who was rebuked by Paul.
Please see the following article by Bryan Davis which supports a different conclusion than your own.
Here is an article by James Likoudis which also reaches the conclusion that Peter and Cephas are two different people.
May God richly bless you and your ministry.
Dr. Anders,
I was listening to Called to Communion today on the radio. I thoroughly enjoy the program because I am always learning a new way to explain and help others to understand the essentials of our faith. I am an RCIA team member and presenter at my parish. I have never really considered myself an evangelist in the traditional sense, but with your help I can be. I was very much amazed and so appreciated your explanations on the baptismal priesthood and the meaning of faith on today’s show. Its so great to finally have words to explain these things. The next time I want to explain these things to someone I will try to direct them to a podcast because your own responses were amazing. The truth is priceless, and therefore so is the ability to explain the truth when it leaves no room for misinterpretation or disagreement. You are a gift to EWTN. I give thanks to God for your knowledge, abilities, talents and of course your conversion. Keep up the excellent work. God bless you and your family.
Thank you so much, Brenda, for your very kind words.
God bless you,
Hello, Dr. Anders: Really enjoy your program on EWTN every Wednesday. Today you mentioned a book by David Bentley Hart and I believe you said it’s titled The Existence of God.
Well, I have not been able to find it. Is it maybe called The Experience of God?? I did find that book.
I was intrigued by your answer to the woman whose father “made her call you”, and she is an atheist. and you recommended a book to her.
Please again give me the title to that book.
Thank you so much. God bless you and your work. I will continue to try to listen to your program here in Mexico City.
Hello, Dr. Anders: Really enjoy your program on EWTN every Wednesday. Today you mentioned a book by David Bentley Hart and I believe you said it’s titled The Existence of God.
Well, I have not been able to find it. Is it maybe called The Experience of God?? I did find that book.
I was intrigued by your answer to the woman whose father “made her call you”, and she is an atheist. and you recommended a book to her.
Please again give me the title to that book.
Thank you so much. God bless you and your work.
The Experience of God by David Bentley Hart.
Please notify me of new posts by email.
I listen to the radio broadcast on OCBN 97.3 in Oklahoma City. Please tell me whether baptized believers confirmed in the Episcopal church are welcome in full communion in the Catholic church.
My answer to “what’s keeping you from becoming Catholic” is the requirement to attend Right of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)
But there is no such requirement. Although this is the normal mode of enteringt the Church it is always possible to approach a priest or deacon and receive instruction from them leading to full incorporation into the Church.
Hi David,Blessings to you and your family. You are one smart guy .I listen to your podcast at ewtn this is a great show I was just talking to my Protestant btothers co- workers about justification that day.
Thanks, Santiago!
Hello again Dr David,
I have been in dialogue with a sedevacantist,and I was wondering if you can help me to respond to this,+Santiago james
Here is 100% proof, that if Paul VI was a true Pope, then the gates of hell had prevailed against the church in 1965:
The Authority of St. Peter
Pope Pius IX, Quanta Cura (#’s 3-6), Dec. 8, 1864, EX-CATHEDRA
“From which totally false idea of social government they do not fear to foster that erroneous opinion, most fatal in its effects on the Catholic Church and the salvation of souls, called by Our predecessor, Gregory XVI, an insanity :
The Authority of anti-Peter
Vatican II Declaration on Religious Liberty: “PAUL, BISHOP, SERVANT OF THE SERVANTS OF GOD, TOGETHER WITH THE FATHERS OF THE SACRED COUNCIL FOR EVERLASTING MEMORY… This Vatican synod declares that the human person has the right to religious freedom … THIS RIGHT OF THE HUMAN PERSON TO RELIGIOUS FREEDOM SHOULD HAVE SUCH RECOGNITION IN THE REGULATION OF SOCIETY BY LAW AS TO BECOME A CIVIL RIGHT … Each and every one of the things set forth in this decree has won the consent of the Fathers. WE, TOO BY THE APOSTOLIC AUTHORITY CONFERRED ON US BY CHRIST , JOIN WITH THE VENERABLE FATHERS IN APPROVING, DECREEING, AND ESTABLISHING THESE THINGS IN THE HOLY SPIRIT , and we direct that what has thus been enacted in synod be published to God’s glory… I, Paul, Bishop of the Catholic Church.”
Did you see the contradiction? Nearly word for word contradiction.Both documents were Solemnly promulgated by a true Pope and an anti-pope.
Bottom Line:
or how can I reconcile or explain this .I know your a busy man if you can’t I understand thanks.
I listen to all your shows God bless you.
Praise be to Jesus now and forever.
David, good afternoon. I watched your recorded Journey Home interview and I am so amazed and impress by your deep studies/researched that leads you to your conversion to Catholicism.
Thank you for sharing your faith journey story. God bless you and your whole family now and forever.