Dr. David Anders is a Catholic catechist, speaker, and writer living in Birmingham, Alabama. He also hosts the EWTN Radio Program Called to Communion.
Dr. Anders is available for radio and television interviews, and to speak at conferences, parishes, debates, and other venues.
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How the Catholic Church Saved My Marriage
Book by Dr. David Anders
"The Catholic Church saved my marriage and, quite possibly, my life." So begins David Anders in this remarkably forthright book. In it, David reports that by the early 2000s, his marriage was so painful that he and his wife had just one thing in common: contempt for each other. Today, he and his wife are extremely happy together not because of marriage therapy, but because they came to know and fully embraced the Catholic Church s teachings on marriage. Press Release..

Faith-Based Questions?
Need answered about the Church, Church History, Theology, Religion, or Scripture?
Most Rev. Robert J. Baker, STD
Bishop Emeritus of Birmingham
Dr. David Anders served the diocese of Birmingham very effectively for over 7 years as the Director of Education and Lifelong Formation. He is a faithful servant of the Church, excellent theologian, and premier Church historian. I recommend him highly for any event.
Dr. Ray Guarendi
Clinical Psychologist, author, speaker, and host of EWTN’s “The Dr. in In.”
“Knowledgeable, insightful, and gifted in moving others toward the Faith. David is a man to be heard.”
Michael Denz
Director of Adult Faith Formation, St. Catharine Parish, Columbus, Ohio
"I was blessed to have Dr. Anders speak at two different parishes where I was director of adult formation. Dr. Anders vast knowledge of the Catholic Faith is unmatched. His ability to present the truths of our Faith in a clear and thought-provoking manner is why I would not hesitate to recommend him for your next Catholic event."
Christopher Check
President, Catholic Answers
"David Anders has an extraordinary command of Catholic doctrine, unfailing recall when it comes to chapter and verse of Scripture, and such a measured and gentle rhetorical style that his audience is engaged from word one and never let go. But the truth is, none of these would matter in the least were it not for David’s obvious love of Jesus Christ. David is a Catholic apologist of the first order because he has put his staggering knowledge and immense talent completely in the hands of the Holy Spirit. When he gets to the other side of the veil, there’s going to be long line of souls waiting to say thank-you!"