I will be on EWTN’s Open Line today, August 8, at 2:00 PM (Central).
I welcome your calls and feedback on today’s show.
I will be on EWTN’s Open Line today, August 8, at 2:00 PM (Central).
I welcome your calls and feedback on today’s show.
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Dear David Anders,
Just watched you on the Coming Home tv show on EWTN. Thanks for your intelligent presentation of your becoming Roman Catholic. I, and my family, used to be episcopalian, quaker and dabbled with new age stuff at various times in our younger life. The whole family became catholic about 25 years ago. Anyway, thanks a lot. God bless you.
Dave Wendell of Stayton, Oregon
Hi Dan,
Thanks for commenting. Sorry you found the content disturbing. I’m wondering what, exactly, you thought was insulting? I certainly meant to insult no one.
I have been watching Grodi’s JOURNEY HOME for about 4 years now,and cannot say that it has pushed me one inch toward RCism.All the same arguments are used by both sides as it were to come to a biased conclusion.The Prots have their faults,and the label of being Protestant is a flaw to begin with,and already sets apart a people,categorizing them. As a member of the Assemblies of God,I see the flaws within every Christian denomination,and I see the beauty as well.BECAUSE Christ is the same Yesterday,today and forever,He is not divided,as the God of the Universe,ONE with the Father and the Holy Spirit.For years I studied Church history,and do not see RCism as the true only one church with Christ.If that was the case naturally I would be a convert.Your stance for the most part is mute,it lacks the mind of Christ,because He wants us to know what we have in Him,not the constant adulation of an organization that claims it is HIS only church.The Church of Christ has the same problem.Any denomination or supposed “Church” that fosters themselves ultimately diminishes the Christ they represent.It is like John the Baptist”I must decrease,that He may Increase.”And denominational ism is a blight to the INCREASE of Christ.
I agree with the following: “denominational ism is a blight to the INCREASE of Christ. ” But I disagree with the rest. God bless you.
From a former episcopalian/quaker/new ager
I watched last night Anders and Grodi’s interview.It was insulting to all non-Catholic Christians to say the least.Especially what Anders said about the little pamphlets and booklets that are given to introduce people to salvation.It is quite obvious that anyone who believed in Calvinism would soon be either a legalistic zealot or a sort of isolationist Christian.I lived in England for a year and met many Presbyterians,although there of course were some great people,the denomination lacks the beauty and openness of evangelicalism.Calvinism is a flawed concept.But the Evangelical movement at large has all the attributes of not only leading people to Christ,but disciplining them as well.Grodi and Anders are just venting against prots,because so many will have nothing to do with Catholicism(ROMAN).I felt enraged,and had to ask the Lord to forgive me,but I understand as Catholics feel enraged by what Prots say at times as well!This Prot/Catholic debate is a useless venture,and it ultimately mocks the majesty of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Dr Anders….I sooooo desperately want to call into your show but I work at the time you are on:< I just love the intelligent and gentle way you approach questions. I did not see a place to send a question in to open line via email? So I am hoping you can answer this question this week or even next on your show..I will listen to it on the archives when I get home.
So a soon to be Catholic friend , former Communist, of mine at work asked me "Why did God come to us in a human body?" "Why did he not come in his most glorious earth shattering way so all would finally believe?"
I am taking a more in depth course on the theology of the Body at my local parish so my response to her was He did come into the world in the most earth shattering way , he completely emptied and humbled HIMSELF and came in a human body because our bodies are HOLY and he needed to show us just that. He also came in a body so we could learn how to completely love as a human beings as he does in the Trinity.
Since we are made in HIS image, our physical and spiritual bodies we also made to love as he loves. and he came in a BODY to teach us just that. I think her eyes were bugging out and I can tell I lost her:<. Can you please expound on this if I was way off in the view of how the Church explains this? Thank you Dr Anders!!! You are awesome!!!!
Your sister in Christ