What a great question! How does God define success? Mother Theresa once said, “It’s not about how much you do, but how much love you put into what you do that counts.” This captures the Biblical idea of success. In answer to my friend, I referenced the story of Martha and Mary, a classic depiction […]
Continue reading“Who am I to Judge?” Pope Francis and the Question of Human Sexuality
A Catholic friend of mine recently went to pray for the unborn and their mothers in front of an abortion clinic in Alabama. Abortion advocates on the other side of the street met him with a sign reading (more or less), “The Pope says you should shut up and go home!” Similarly, a student recently […]
Continue readingPurgatory and the Second Vatican Council
. This column has been treating the teaching of the Catechism and the Second Vatican Council for the Year of Faith. One goal of the column has been to show the relevance of the Council’s teaching for contemporary Catholic life. Another goal has been to demonstrate that Vatican II did not fundamentally change the doctrine […]
Continue readingNew Talk for the Confraternity of Christian Mothers.
I recently gave a talk for the Confraternity of Christian Mothers in Birmingham, Alabama. The video is available at their Youtube channel: It’s in five parts, all uploaded separately.
Continue readingOpen Line Today
I will be on EWTN’s Open Line today, August 8, at 2:00 PM (Central). http://www.ewtn.com/radio/weekday/ewtnopenline.asp I welcome your calls and feedback on today’s show. Thanks!
Continue readingBaptism and Christian Unity
. During the Year of Faith, Catholics can receive a plenary indulgence by making a pilgrimage to the place of their baptism to renew their baptismal promises. For some of us, this means traveling to a non-Catholic Church. Does this seem odd? Renewing one’s commitment to the Catholic Faith in a non-Catholic Church? In fact, […]
Continue readingThe Second Vatican Council and the Year of Faith Part I
. Fr. Richard John Neuhaus once spoke of the late 20th century as “The Catholic Moment.” He was a Lutheran pastor when he penned those words, but Neuhaus understood something important about the Catholic Church in the modern world. For Fr. Neuhaus, the Catholic Church was uniquely situated to confront the modern crisis of unbelief. […]
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