God and Evil

How can a good God allow so much evil in the world? Historically, this question has posed the single most important atheist challenge to theism, and is one of the most vexing theological problems. The Catechism of the Catholic Church tells us that evil is “a mystery.”  This side of Heaven, we can never fully […]

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Which God don’t you believe in?

“I don’t believe in God?” “God does not exist.” What do people mean when they say these things? Often, people who say this do not really understand what Catholics mean by the proposition “God exists.” So, when dealing with atheists, it becomes very important to clarify, “What do you mean by God?” What do you […]

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Two Ways of Being Human

This week we recognize two milestones in American history. On Monday, January 20th, we celebrated the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. On Wednesday, we confronted the anniversary of Roe v. Wade. Each has profound implications for the soul of our nation, for how we understand what it means to be a human being. There […]

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